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- Tags: Howard S. Wright Foundation
Lasting Impressions: Seattle Art Museum Annual Report 1998/1999
Tags: Academy of Realist Art, Ackerley Fund, African American Heritage Museum, African Arts Council, Alliance Francaise de Seattle, Ancient Egypt Studies Association, Art of Jazz Series, Art Studio Sessions, Artist Trust, ARTSFUND, ArtStars: Kids Speak on Art, Asian Children’s Film Festival, Bagley Wright, Bellevue Arts Commission, Biannual Gala, Boeing Company, Center on Contemporary Art, Center on Contemporary Art (CoCA), Central Area Youth Association, Century Endowment Campaign, Children’s Gala, Chinese Art Colloquium, Chuck Close, Coca-Cola Foundation, Contemporary Art Council, Corporate Council for the Arts, Council of American Art, D.V. and Ida J. McEachern Charitable Trust, Decorative Arts and Paintings Council, Discuren Charitable Foundation, Documents Northwest: The PONCHO Series, Earshot Jazz Society, Family Festivals, Flights of Fancy, Free First Saturdays, Growing Up With Art, H.J. Heinz Company Foundation, Historic Seattle, Howard S. Wright Foundation, Impressionism: Paintings Collected by European Museums, Jack Straw Audio Art Center, Janet W. Ketcham Endowment, King County Arts Commission, KIRO-TV, Kreielsheimer Foundation, Ladies Musical Club, Lakeside Industries, M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust, Masquerade Ball, Microsoft Corporation, Middle East Arts International, National Endowment for the Arts, Native American Basket Weavers Association, Native Arts of the Americas and Oceania Council, Northwest Parent Publishing, Northwest Pastel Society, Odalisque, On The Boards, Open Studio, Pendleton and Elisabeth Carey Miller Charitable Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts, PONCHO, Radio KPLU, Rental/Sales Gallery, Repatriation, Richard Hugo House, SAM Lights Up!, Seattle Art Museum Supporters, Seattle Arts Commission, Seattle Children's Theatre, Seattle Opera, Seattle Public Library, Seattle Weekly, Sidney Genette Lighting Design, Teacher Resource Center, The Children's Museum, The Legacy Club, Thursday After Hours, Total Experience Gospel Choir, University of Washington, US WEST, Virginia Wright, Volunteer Association, Washington State Arts Alliance, Washington State Arts Commission, William Jay Rathbun, Wing Luke Asian Museum, Woodland Park Zoo, Year of Japan