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- Tags: KSTW-TV
Face to Face with Art: Seattle Art Museum 1994-1995 Annual Report
Tags: “Fighting With Art”, African, African Art Interpreters, African-American, and Caribbean Arts Council, Andersen Consulting, Art of Jazz Series, Art Studio Classes, Arthur Andersen, Asian Art Council, Bodde Collection, Challenge Grant, Collectors Forum, Columbia City Neighborhood Association, Connoisseurs Forum, Contemporary Art Council, Council of American Art, Dean Thornton, Decorative Arts and Paintings Council, Discuren Foundation, District Partnership Program, Documents Northwest: The PONCHO Series, Downtown Special Exhibitions Gallery, Elliott Bay Book Company, Estate of the Arts Sale, Free First Tuesdays, Georgia O’Keeffe Foundation, Institute of Museum Services, Jane Greenough Green Collection, Japan Foundation, John Moga, Joseph Cornell Foundation, Kado TeaGarden, Kenneth and Priscilla Klepser Collection, King County Arts Commission, Klepser Collection of Worcester Porcelain, KPLU-Radio, KSTW-TV, Kwanzaa Creativity Celebration, Kwanzaa Festival, Legacy Club, Mary Gardner Neill, Masonry Institute of Washington, McCaw Foundation Library of Asian Art, Metropolitan Guild, Mount Baker Community Club, National Endowment for the Arts, Native Arts of the Americas and Oceania, Okinawan Ministry of Education, Pacific Northwest Arts Council, Paul McCartney, Photography and Prints Gallery, Premier of Fall, Rental/Sales Gallery, Richard E. Fuller Guild, Seattle Arts and Lectures, Seattle Asian Art Museum, Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation, Seattle Public Library, Seattle School District, Senior Day, Southwest Guild, Student Expressions ‘95, The Powerful Schools Arts Coalition, U.S. Bank, University of Washington - Department of Art History, University of Washington Suzzallo Library, US WEST Foundation, Washington Center for the Book, William Randolph Hearst Endowment for Education Programs, World AIDS Day, Xenobia Bailey