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- Tags: Mrs. Herschell Boyd
The Annual Report of the Seattle Art Museum 1974-1975
Tags: African Trade Bead Project, Architectural Selection Committee, Art to the Schools Program, Arts Adventure Program, Asian Art Council, Chamber Music Concerts, Children's Film Series, Contemporary Art Council, Department of Modern Art, Design Center, Development Committee, Film Series (for Young People), Flower Committee, Guild Day, Guild Membership Committee, Hans Popper Collection of Oriental Art, John H. Hauberg, Membership Committee, Mercer Island Schools, Modern Art Department, Mrs. Herschell Boyd, Museum Guild, Music Performance Trust Funds, Pacific Northwest Art Center, Pacific Northwest Arts Council, Photograph and Slide Library, Pilchuck Glass Center, Regents' Program, Regional Art Group Experience (RAGE), Rentaloft, Sales and Rental Gallery, Seattle Arts Commission, Seattle Park Department, Seattle Public Schools, Senior Day Program, Staff Aides Committee, Treasure Box Program, Willis F. Woods
Seattle Art Museum Annual Report 1976-1977
Tags: American Association of Museums Annual, Annual Spring Luncheon, Architectural Tours, Art Reference Library, Asian Art Council, Asian Art Department, Burke Collection, Butterbaugh Memorial Program Fund, Chamber Music Concerts, China House Gallery, China Institute in America, Contemporary Art Council, Cornish School, Craft Week, Dance Series Association, Dr. Richard E. Fuller, Education Department, Ethnic Arts Council, Evergreen State College, Film series, Films for Young People, Guild Day, Guild Lecture Series, Guild Shop, Holiday Party, International Symposium on Chinese Ceramics, Japan House Gallery, John H. Hauberg, Kiana Lodge, Merrill Foundation, Modern Art Department, Modern Art Pavilion, Mrs. Herschell Boyd, Mrs. John R. Fitzgerald (Mary Kay), Museum Guild, Museum Libraries, Museum Week, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Science Teachers Convention, New Members Reception, Pacific Northwest Arts Council, Photograph and Slide Library, Photography Council, Pilchuck Glass Center, PONCHO, Regents' Program, Regional Art Group Experience (RAGE), Rentaloft, Richard E. Fuller Endowment Fund, Richard E. Fuller Guild, Seattle Art Museum Guild Booksale, Seattle Foundation, Senior Day, Slide Presentations, Southwest Guild, Tacoma Art Museum, Treasure Box Program, Treasures of Tutankhamun, University of Washington - Kane Hall, Ura Senke School, Washington Art Consortium Collection, Washington State Cultural Enrichment, Whatcom County Museum, Willis F. Woods